Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Better Than Crave

Sadly, we missed the reading of Postville last night. The substitute notfun? A business dinner at the new Graze located in West Glen. The new owners, with stunningly creative frugality, changed Crave to Graze, thus necessitating the replacement of only two letters on the sign. While Crave was one of the worst restaurants I have ever had the misfortune to dine at, Graze has managed to improve the service and the quality of the menu. Unfortunately, it still looks as though the Urban Chic design of the early '00s ran amok in the bar.
MHO: There are greener pastures than Graze.

Culture Incorporated

After school could mean a walk to an empty house followed by a few hours of television or video games for 50 kids in Des Moines' Highland Park neighborhood. Culture Incorporated changed that this year by opening their doors on 6th Avenue across from the famous "Chuck's" restaraunt. The group provides arts activities at no cost for kids in the neighborhood. Not only is there space available for conversation and homework, there is a mini recording studio, a dance studio and a visual arts studio.
Tragedy struck last fall, when shortly after opening their doors a fire destroyed most of the space. The resilient founders, Rachel and Yvette, reopened in December and once again began providing an oasis of culture in otherwise empty afternoons.
Operating costs are fairly low at Culture Incorporated, but corporate and community support is desperately needed if the program is to survive. Barnes & Noble will host a fundraiser on April 25th to help this worthy organization. Can't wait to see what the creative kids at Culture Incorporated will do to help raise awareness of their favorite afterschool destination.